Reusable Note Cards

Rocketbook Cloud Cards

I have plans for this blog, and one of those plans is to start writing short stories once I finish the Finale to the Elizabeth Series. Until then, I plan on building an online database of CLOSAT projects.

For more detailed information on CLOSAT, you can check out this link here.

You don’t necessarily need reusable cards to make the game. Grab yourself six regular index cards and on the back, write Character, Location, Object, Situation, Act (or Action), and Theme (link to common themes), each on a separate card.

On the Character Card, write out the character’s traits. I usually keep it fairly gender-neutral as most traits can go to either one. This does include quirks, character flaws, maybe some backstory (or not).

On the Location card, write out the location where something is about to happen.

The Object Card is for the curious object that ties in with the action. It could be the trigger, or it could be the item that leads up to the trigger. For example, the Character sees the object, walks over to it, then gets hit by a bus.

The Situation Card should have a circumstance or predicament that makes it more difficult for a character. For example, the character is a woman in the 1600s, the character has the ability to read minds, or the character lost their leg due to cancer.

Act or Action is a human deed that seems to be meaningful to the story.

And of course, the Theme, which you can see a pretty comprehensive list here (if you hadn’t already clicked the link above).

Carry a stack of cards with you, and whenever you are inspired, you can write out one of the six parts. When you build yourself enough of a collection, sort them according to their category, shuffle them, pick one out from each pile, and use them for your next short story.

I have to finish the last installment of the Elizabeth series, but after, I plan on posting unrelated short stories. Guess where my ideas will be coming from?

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