I know some people are eager to throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to AI. And there are others who are just dying to see it take over the world (and maybe replace our incompetent politicians?)
I’m more about using AI as a tool, and I’ve used it several times for world-building. I haven’t used it for my book covers because it actually took longer to get an image just right than my current method.
Then I heard about the developers feeding the AI copyrighted images (bad move) and decided on a personal AI policy.
That was a month ago.
With all the work I had to do with my last short, I hadn’t had time to make one out and now that it’s published, here we are.
- No published work on Amazon will have any AI generated anything, unless you count ProWritingAid. This is where the lines get blurred, which is why I don’t understand the all-or-nothing stance against it. If you use a computer or use social media, you are using a form of passive AI that’s been around for ages. Doubly so if you use any form of a grammar editor (Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, Grammarly, ProWritingAid, etc). I can get more into that another day.
- If I use AI images for any blog post, it will either have a watermark or I will put the origin in the caption.
- If I use AI for text, it will be in a quote format attributed to the original site or a screenshot and the attribution in the image or the Caption
- If I use AI in social media, I will also say the origin in the post.
Like everything online, social norms will develop. That is until the fearmonger have their way.

How is it possible that we aren’t all still using horse and buggies?