My Personal AI policy

Prompt: AI as a humanoid

I know some people are eager to throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to AI. And there are others who are just dying to see it take over the world (and maybe replace our incompetent politicians?)

I’m more about using AI as a tool, and I’ve used it several times for world-building. I haven’t used it for my book covers because it actually took longer to get an image just right than my current method.

Then I heard about the developers feeding the AI copyrighted images (bad move) and decided on a personal AI policy.

That was a month ago.

With all the work I had to do with my last short, I hadn’t had time to make one out and now that it’s published, here we are.

  1. No published work on Amazon will have any AI generated anything, unless you count ProWritingAid. This is where the lines get blurred, which is why I don’t understand the all-or-nothing stance against it. If you use a computer or use social media, you are using a form of passive AI that’s been around for ages. Doubly so if you use any form of a grammar editor (Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, Grammarly, ProWritingAid, etc). I can get more into that another day.
  2. If I use AI images for any blog post, it will either have a watermark or I will put the origin in the caption.
  3. If I use AI for text, it will be in a quote format attributed to the original site or a screenshot and the attribution in the image or the Caption
  4. If I use AI in social media, I will also say the origin in the post.

Like everything online, social norms will develop. That is until the fearmonger have their way.

prompt: A bunch of crabs in a pot pulling each other down
Via (a.k.a. DALL-E)

How is it possible that we aren’t all still using horse and buggies?

Busy. Maybe a little too Busy.

Woman on Laptop

The past few weeks have been crazy-busy, but what else is new? Since it was hot, I had to be out more often, making sure the chickens had water and stay cool.

And I’ve been organizing the kitchen more. It’s nice to not have to look for something to make myself a basic breakfast.

But as much as I haven’t been blogging, I haven’t been writing much, either. It’s partly a form of writer’s block, and life in general.

My husband’s schedule is changing, and it’s for the better, but it will take me a while before I develop a routine that works with it.

In the meantime, I have some drafts I started. I’ll be working on those, soon.

Not sure if I like the update

I finally updated the look of the blog. Not sure if I care for it. I still have to do some tweaks and we’ll see. I’ll have to pay if I want to change more colors than just the background and I don’t know how to feel about that. The link colors kind of match the site anyway, even though those wouldn’t be the colors I picked.

I’ll probably improve the header. By the time I figured out what I wanted, it was late and, believe it or not, I needed sleep.

I have a few posts in my drafts that I need to work on. To keep updated, be sure to follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and/or Minds.


Blog Makeover!

I think Mometek needs a new makeover. I like what I have, but it’s more like a news site than a multimedia blog.

I plan to post more than just random diatribes like short videos and picture series.

But first I need to pick a theme.

To be continued…

I’m back

cup of coffee

I spent the last few days backing up my laptop, then doing a refresh. I’m finally installing the last few apps. In the next few days, I’ll probably be posting regularly again.

Also, I will publish “Elizabeth: Transformation” in the next few days.

See the Elizabeth website to see the collection!

Keep Updated!
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Image by Free Photos from Pixabay

After two steps forward…

We fell one-and-a half-steps back.

I’m still sore from yesterday, as I expected, but now we have no vehicle. And with the price of used vehicles skyrocketing, I’m not sure if we will be able to buy one.

I was in the passenger side with my husband driving. Sarah, Benjamin, and Ethan were in the back. We all walked away with some bruises and a minor cut… All for admiring the new soccer fields. It only takes a moment before one realizes that the light is red a little too late.

But now, I have to find some way to get extra cash. I have another short story coming out soon, but I may come up with some “merchandise” to sell for this blog. Until then, you can check out the links page to support this site.

Follow me on Facebook and/or Minds (referral) for updates!

Weaning myself off of this addiction

Social Media

Facebook has been around for a while now. While I’ve used it to see what people are saying about current events, it wasn’t until I moved to Texas six years ago when I felt that I “needed” Facebook. I use it to keep in contact with friends and family in the North East.

For a while, I tried to convince them to go onto MeWe, but I can understand why they won’t. MeWe doesn’t have the features that Facebook has, including making unlimited groups on a whim, at least not without paying something. I think there’s a limit to how many pics you can post per month.

MeWe is the only social media the most like Facebook.

There are plenty of Twitter clones, though, the most infamous one is Parler. There’s also Gab, but I found that I liked best which is kind of like a Twitter/Blog hybrid. It allows you to microblog or if you are feeling adventurous, you can post longer posts.

Over the last year, I’ve been feeling increasingly uncomfortable using Facebook even for my writing groups. Partly because I would go on for help, only to find myself endlessly scrolling through useless and “curated” information. Feeding the beast that has been contributing more and more to the very ideals I’m against.

The problem is, I do have family and friends on there that I do not want to abandon. So, I’ll probably be on Facebook on the weekends, and all of my posts from this blog will automatically post to the Mometek Facebook page.

I made a few lame attempts to use Facebook only on the weekends and failed. But this time I’m really going for it. Before I didn’t really have a plan, this time I do. I’ve already uninstalled Instagram from my phone. I’ve set up my WordPress blog (this one) to automatically post to the Mometek Facebook page. On Friday evenings, I’ll post a recap of the week on this blog and then share it on my personal page (maybe even tagging family members).

At least that’s the plan.

What a coffee fueled sleep deprivation does to me.

The new theme

Why is it, that I happen to do the most creative work around 1 a.m?

I still have some more tweaking, but I’ll have to wait until this weekend. I making a point to only work on writing during the week.

Speaking of which, I made some headway with the finale of the Elizabeth series. It won’t be long , now.