CLOSAT and 7-point Short Story Structure

I’ve finally got to do another round of CLOSAT. If you want to see what it’s about, check out this post. Use the suggestions however you want. You don’t even have to link back to this page or give me any credit. That said, feel free to comment the link to what you wrote below.

In case you can’t see the image:

Character: A tall slender woman who loves to write

Location: An Apartment Complex

Object: A pack of Cocaine

Situation: Mounting Debt with no end in sight

Action: Searching for Ideas on the Internet

Theme: Desire to escape


The 7-point Short Story Structure:

  1. A Character
  2. Is in a situation
  3. With a problem
  4. They try to solve the problem
  5. But fail, making it worse
  6. They make a final attempt to solve it which may succeed or fail
  7. The consequence is not as expected.

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