My head felt like cotton when I woke up yesterday morning. It was my turn to deal with the virus that had been going though the family all week and it was bad timing.
I texted the ladies’ group and let them know I won’t being joining them for brunch.
Took a shower, hoping the steam would help my sinuses. Got out, pulled on the first pant leg, and felt an unmistakable click in the lower part of my back.
To think, I spent the good part of Friday digging out one of the garden beds. Lifted bags of soil to fill the earth boxes, and I ruined my back by putting my pants on.
I spent the better part of the tossing and turning, taking care to stretch my back before falling to sleep.
My back didn’t hurt so much, but my head still felt like it was going to explode. I spent watching the church’s lives stream on YouTube, surrounded by tissues.
Around two o’clock, I finally decided to take a caffeine nap, popping an ibuprofen just before laying down. Twenty minutes later, Mike came in laughing at some meme. Fortunately, I was already about to get up and I felt so much better.
I helped Mike with the new chick’s temporary home as we work to integrate them in with the flock. Then I dug a little more in the garden, but only to get more soil for the earth boxes. It turns out, the soil I bought wasn’t quite enough.
Today wasn’t so bad, despite the problems. I still feel like I was productive and definitely have a good outlook for this week.