I screwed up

Elizabet instead of Elizabeth. Exactly how the Natisiens pronounce her name.

So I posted the hardcover, and I realized too late that I had somehow missed the “h” in Elizabeth. So the title is “Elizabet: Heritage Journey: A series Collection.”

Amazon won’t let me change it in KDP or Author Central. The only way I can change it is to unpublish it and try again.

After thinking if it’s worth the trouble, I realize that it might not necessarily be a bad thing. The Natisiens cannot pronounce the TH sound and I intentionally left it out in some of the Natisien’s dialogue.

Maybe that’s why I forgot to put it in. Yeah…. That’s it. That’s why.

See it here:

Under Maintenance

MODx Backend

Not this site, but Zherosha.com is out for a day. It was late by the time I backed everything up and reinstalled the CMS. I need to sleep occasionally.

I should have it up and running sometime tomorrow.

Not sure if I like the update

I finally updated the look of the blog. Not sure if I care for it. I still have to do some tweaks and we’ll see. I’ll have to pay if I want to change more colors than just the background and I don’t know how to feel about that. The link colors kind of match the site anyway, even though those wouldn’t be the colors I picked.

I’ll probably improve the header. By the time I figured out what I wanted, it was late and, believe it or not, I needed sleep.

I have a few posts in my drafts that I need to work on. To keep updated, be sure to follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and/or Minds.


Blog Makeover!

I think Mometek needs a new makeover. I like what I have, but it’s more like a news site than a multimedia blog.

I plan to post more than just random diatribes like short videos and picture series.

But first I need to pick a theme.

To be continued…

Finally, HTTPS for everyone!


SSL came with the packaged deal GoDaddy offered for my website. It took me a year to realize it wasn’t automatically going to install.

Cut me some slack! I was kind of busy trying to finish the Elizabeth series, get this blog set up, redo the whole Zherosha Chronicles website (I’m not even done with that). I just didn’t think to check, I guess, until someone mentioned it on a post on Minds.

So I fixed it. of

I don’t have a certificate for the Elizabeth site, but apparently I can get one through Certbot for free. It would cost me $100 for another certificate for a different domain (which is why Elizabeth is unsecured), but if I can get one through Certbot, it will no longer be the case.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to get it done in a few days.