Finally, HTTPS for everyone!


SSL came with the packaged deal GoDaddy offered for my website. It took me a year to realize it wasn’t automatically going to install.

Cut me some slack! I was kind of busy trying to finish the Elizabeth series, get this blog set up, redo the whole Zherosha Chronicles website (I’m not even done with that). I just didn’t think to check, I guess, until someone mentioned it on a post on Minds.

So I fixed it. of

I don’t have a certificate for the Elizabeth site, but apparently I can get one through Certbot for free. It would cost me $100 for another certificate for a different domain (which is why Elizabeth is unsecured), but if I can get one through Certbot, it will no longer be the case.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to get it done in a few days.


I’m on a roll?

BLOG spelled out in scrabble pieces
BLOG Scrabble pieces
Image by Firmbee from Pixabay

Includes referral links

I’m supposed to be writing my book right now, but it’s Sunday and there’s too much going on. So instead, I decided to start blogging again.

I have a few themes picked out, but before I can set it, I need to make more posts. This particular post will test whether or not I got IFTTT working properly with Facebook.

If all works well, I will start posting short stories here and then cross-post them to other sites ( and

I haven’t blogged in ages. I’m looking forward to doing so again.