AI Art

craiyon art

I’ve signed up to the DALL-E waiting list, but I haven’t gotten an email back yet. It’s been so long, I’m not even sure what email address I used. So to pass the time, I’ve been using Craiyon to come up with interesting art concepts.

Don’t worry, artists, AI has a long way to go.

I decided to use Craiyon to make some reference images. Taking one of six squares (shown above) and expanding it to the size I need, I can trace it and create my own spaceships for some world-building artwork.

One of these might be on a cover, or rather, my version might end up on a cover.

 Hidden City

Speaking of which – I have to get back to my current WIP.

Need free stock images?

Black-Eyed Susan

My Pics on Pixabay

Not everyone has money to spend. Not everyone is talented enough to take all of their own photos.

Enter Pixabay, a community-based stock image repository. People from all around the world (including myself) upload their photos for the public use for free.

Although it would be polite to, Pixabay doesn’t require you to link back to them.


But, if you are feeling generous, there’s a way to buy the artist coffee.

I’ve used many images for blog posts and even some for my ebooks. and they give you a link to share, if you want to. 


Featured image (it’s mine):

Image by Nancie Neal from Pixabay