I screwed up

Elizabet instead of Elizabeth. Exactly how the Natisiens pronounce her name.

So I posted the hardcover, and I realized too late that I had somehow missed the “h” in Elizabeth. So the title is “Elizabet: Heritage Journey: A series Collection.”

Amazon won’t let me change it in KDP or Author Central. The only way I can change it is to unpublish it and try again.

After thinking if it’s worth the trouble, I realize that it might not necessarily be a bad thing. The Natisiens cannot pronounce the TH sound and I intentionally left it out in some of the Natisien’s dialogue.

Maybe that’s why I forgot to put it in. Yeah…. That’s it. That’s why.

See it here:

The next Projects, Coming Soon

Pictured: The next series that comes after Elizabeth – in the bare bones, generalized plotting stages. No real editing except for spelling errors. It’ll be a couple of months before I start the actual stories.

I also realized that I’m using the wrong outline. EvaDeverell’s outline (in the picture) works well for fantasy (I’m using it for “Hidden city”), but I’m writing short stories. I’ll be writing the first one, which will be roughly 10-20k, with the “Save the Cat Outline” and a basic short story outline for the rest.

Short Story Outline
I found this with a Google search

I’m also working on “Hidden City” which I hope to have ready for a beta-read in a month.

Then there’s Zherosha: Contact. That’s something I should get started on… that’s its own post in the near future.