Privacy Policy and TOS

(this is temporary and will change to look more legal-ish in the near future)

Your Information

I’m using WordPress and Shareaholic. Both will set cookies and trackers so I can make a few cents per a view. You’ll have to check their private polices on how they handle your information.

While I am privy to some of this information (IP addresses and emails, as do all blogging sites), I will never, EVER sell it. I’ll just let someone else do it for me.

Cookies are delicious unless they are coming from your browser because you can’t byte them… Seriously, if you don’t want them, you’ll have to turn them off in the settings in your browser. Ad blocking plugins will also block non-important cookies. It also blocks tracking, 

Community Guidelines

All comments are moderated. I try to get to them as quickly as I can but I am a one-woman show at the moment. So please be patient.

Just don’t be a jerk… either to me or to others. If you do see someone trying to start something, ignore it. If it really bothers you, then find all of their social media accounts and block them. You don’t need that toxicity in your life.

Don’t spam, it doesn’t work with me. Any spam will only show up to me, and it will be deleted without remorse. No clicks, no attention, just gone as if you never posted. Go away and rethink your life you spamming spammer.

Avoid politics, unless it’s related to worldbuilding. Talking about how we may have gotten to where we are is fine. Trying to blame any particular party is not. Keep in mind, this site is accessible to all countries (that allow it) and they really don’t care about US (the home of this blog) politics. They have enough to worry about.

Doxxing, threats, intentionally trying to recruit to commit violent acts will be reported. Don’t try it… not even once. Go back to Twitter or Gab (depending on what side you’re on).